alachar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

alachar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription



Sharpen; hone


The word "alachar" is a Spanish slang term commonly used to refer to the act of sharpening or honing something, such as a knife or another cutting tool. It is predominantly used in spoken language, particularly in informal contexts.


  1. Spanish: Necesito alachar este cuchillo antes de cortar las verduras. English: I need to sharpen this knife before cutting the vegetables.

  2. Spanish: Si quieres cortar bien el papel, primero tienes que alachar las tijeras. English: If you want to cut the paper well, first you have to sharpen the scissors.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Alachar" is not part of any common idiomatic expressions in Spanish.


The etymology of the word "alachar" can be traced back to the Old Spanish term "aladar," which referred to the act of sharpening or honing a tool. Over time, this term evolved into "alachar," maintaining its meaning related to sharpening.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Afilar - Acrecentar - Aguzar

Antonyms: - Desafilar - Desgastar - Deslucir