alejado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

alejado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


Translation options into English


The word "alejado" in Spanish means something or someone that is distant or separated from a particular place, person, or situation. It is commonly used to describe physical distance or emotional detachment. This term is used both in oral and written contexts, but it is more frequently found in written materials than in everyday conversation.

Example sentences

  1. Estaba tan alejado de la ciudad que no tenían señal de teléfono.
  2. He was so isolated from the city that they didn't have any phone signal.

  3. Después de tantos años viviendo en el extranjero, se sentía alejado de sus raíces.

  4. After so many years living abroad, he felt distant from his roots.

Idiomatic expressions


The word "alejado" comes from the verb "alejar," which means "to move away" or "to distance." The noun form "alejado" is derived from this verb and refers to something that has been distanced or isolated in some way.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Apartado (Aparted) - Distanto (Distant) - Separado (Separated)

Antonyms: - Cercano (Close) - Unido (United) - Conectado (Connected)