allanar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

allanar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Verb

Phonetic Transcription (IPA): /a.ʎa.ˈnaɾ/

Meanings and Usage: - The word "allanar" in Spanish means "to level," "to smooth," or "to flatten." It is commonly used to refer to making a surface flat or smooth. This verb is frequently used in both oral and written Spanish.

Verb Conjugation: - Present: allano, allanas, allana, allanamos, allanáis, allanan - Past: allané, allanaste, allanó, allanamos, allanasteis, allanaron - Future: allanaré, allanarás, allanará, allanaremos, allanaréis, allanarán - Imperfect: allanaba, allanabas, allanaba, allanábamos, allanabais, allanaban - Conditional: allanaría, allanarías, allanaría, allanaríamos, allanaríais, allanarían - Present Subjunctive: allane, allanes, allane, allanemos, allanéis, allanen - Imperative: allana (tú), allane (él/ella/usted), allanemos (nosotros), allanad (vosotros), allanen (ellos/ellas/ustedes) - Gerund: allanando

Examples: 1. Necesito allanar el terreno antes de construir la casa. (I need to level the ground before building the house.) 2. El albañil va a allanar la pared para pintarla. (The mason is going to smooth the wall to paint it.)

Idiomatic Expressions: - "Allanar el camino": To pave the way, to make things easier. - Example: El proyecto de ley busca allanar el camino hacia la igualdad de género. (The bill aims to pave the way for gender equality.)

Etymology: - The word "allanar" comes from the Latin word "adplanare," which is a combination of "ad" (to) and "planus" (flat or level).

Synonyms: - Nivelar (To level), Aplanar (To flatten), Alisar (To smooth)

Antonyms: - Irregular (Uneven), Áspero (Rough)