altero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

altero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic transcription


Translation options into English


The word "altero" in Spanish means to change, disturb, or upset. It is a verb primarily used in oral speech to express the action of altering something, causing a disturbance, or upsetting a situation.


  1. Spanish: No quiero alterar tus planes. English: I don't want to disrupt your plans.

  2. Spanish: La noticia alteró su estado de ánimo. English: The news disturbed his mood.

Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Dar al traste: to spoil or ruin something.
  2. Spanish: Sus comentarios dieron al traste con la celebración.
  3. English: His comments ruined the celebration.

  4. Alterar el curso de los acontecimientos: to change the course of events.

  5. Spanish: La decisión alteró el curso de los acontecimientos.
  6. English: The decision changed the course of events.


The word "alterar" comes from the Latin "alterāre," which means "to change or alter."

