amanojar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

amanojar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


How the word is used

The word "amanojar" is not commonly used in Spanish. It is more likely to be found in written contexts than in oral speech due to its formal or literary nature.


  1. Prefiero amanojar mis pensamientos antes de actuar. (I prefer to organize my thoughts before acting.)

  2. Es importante amanojar las ideas para expresarlas con claridad. (It is important to organize ideas to express them clearly.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Meterse en un jardín (amanojar)
Literal translation: To get into a garden (to get involved in something)
Meaning: To get into a mess or trouble
Example: ¡No te metas en un jardín sin pensar!
Translation: Don't get yourself into trouble without thinking!

Echar a rodar (amanojar)
Literal translation: To start to roll (to set in motion)
Meaning: To get something going or started
Example: Con el proyecto echaron a rodar muchas ideas.
Translation: With the project, many ideas started to take shape.

Romper una lanza (amanojar) por alguien
Literal translation: To break a lance (to defend or support someone)
Meaning: To defend or speak up for someone
Example: Siempre rompo una lanza por los más necesitados.
Translation: I always stand up for the most needy.


The word "amanojar" comes from the combination of the prefix "a-" which indicates direction or manner and the verb "manojar" which means to handle or organize.

Synonyms and Antonyms