amar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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amar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Verb

Phonetic Transcription: - IPA: /aˈmaɾ/ - English: ah-MAHR

Meanings: The word "amar" in Spanish means "to love." It is a common verb used to express feelings of affection and care towards someone or something.

Usage: "Amar" is a frequently used verb in both oral and written Spanish. It is commonly used in a variety of contexts to express love or strong feelings towards a person, an object, an activity, or a concept.

Verb Forms: - Present: yo amo, tú amas, él/ella ama, nosotros/nosotras amamos, vosotros/vosotras amáis, ellos/ellas aman - Preterite: yo amé, tú amaste, él/ella amó, nosotros/nosotras amamos, vosotros/vosotras amasteis, ellos/ellas amaron - Imperfect: yo amaba, tú amabas, él/ella amaba, nosotros/nosotras amábamos, vosotros/vosotras amabais, ellos/ellas amaban - Future: yo amaré, tú amarás, él/ella amará, nosotros/nosotras amaremos, vosotros/vosotras amaréis, ellos/ellas amarán - Conditional: yo amaría, tú amarías, él/ella amaría, nosotros/nosotras amaríamos, vosotros/vosotras amaríais, ellos/ellas amarían - Present Subjunctive: que yo ame, que tú ames, que él/ella ame, que nosotros/nosotras amemos, que vosotros/vosotras améis, que ellos/ellas amen

Gerund: amando

Example Phrases: 1. Te amo con todo mi corazón. (I love you with all my heart.) 2. Amar a alguien es un sentimiento hermoso. (Loving someone is a beautiful feeling.)

Idiomatic Expressions: 1. Amar a primera vista - Translation: Love at first sight - Example: Fue amor a primera vista cuando nos conocimos. (It was love at first sight when we met.)

  1. Amar ciegamente
  2. Translation: To love blindly
  3. Example: A veces, amamos ciegamente sin ver la realidad. (Sometimes we love blindly without seeing the reality.)

  4. Amar con locura

  5. Translation: To love madly
  6. Example: Estoy enamorado de él, lo amo con locura. (I'm in love with him, I love him madly.)

  7. Amar y sufrir

  8. Translation: To love and suffer
  9. Example: El amor a veces implica amar y sufrir al mismo tiempo. (Love sometimes involves loving and suffering at the same time.)

Etymology: The word "amar" comes from the Latin word "amare," which means "to love."

Synonyms: - Querer (to love) - Adorar (to adore) - Estimar (to esteem)

Antonyms: - Odiar (to hate) - Despreciar (to despise) - Rechazar (to reject)