amor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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amor (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Noun

Phonetic transcription: /aˈmoɾ/

Meanings: - Love, affection, or devotion towards someone or something. - A romantic or sexual relationship between two people. - An intense feeling of deep affection.

Usage patterns: "Amor" is a common word in Spanish, used frequently in both oral and written contexts. It is a versatile term that can refer to different types of love, including romantic love, familial love, or even love for objects, activities, or places.

Verb forms: - Gerund: amando (loving) - Present: amo (I love), amas (you love), ama (he/she loves), amamos (we love), amáis (you all love), aman (they love) - Preterite: amé, amaste, amó, amamos, amasteis, amaron - Imperfect: amaba, amabas, amaba, amábamos, amabais, amaban - Future: amaré, amarás, amará, amaremos, amaréis, amarán - Conditional: amaría, amarías, amaría, amaríamos, amaríais, amarían

Examples: 1. Te amo con todo mi corazón. (I love you with all my heart.) 2. El amor por la música es algo que nos une. (The love for music is something that brings us together.)

Idiomatic expressions: "Amor" is a key word in many idiomatic expressions in Spanish, such as: 1. Amor a primera vista: Love at first sight. 2. Dar amor: To show affection or kindness. 3. Amor de madre: Motherly love. 4. Hacer el amor: To make love. 5. Amor platónico: Platonic love. 6. Amor incondicional: Unconditional love. 7. Estar enamorado de: To be in love with. 8. Morir de amor: To die of love.

Etymology: The word "amor" comes from Latin "amor", which means love or affection.

Synonyms: - Affection, cariño, afecto - Romance, pasión, enamoramiento

Antonyms: - Odio, antipatía, aversión - Indiferencia, desapego, desamor