amusgarse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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amusgarse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Part of speech: Verb

Phonetic Transcription

Phonetic transcription: /amu'sɣaɾse/

Translation Options

Translation options into English: To choke, to suffocate


Meaning: "Amusgarse" is a reflexive verb in Spanish that means to choke or to suffocate. It is used when someone has difficulty breathing due to something obstructing their airways.

Usage: This word is more commonly used in oral speech, especially in situations where someone is experiencing a choking hazard.

Example Sentences

  1. Spanish: Se amusgó con un trozo de comida. English: He choked on a piece of food.

  2. Spanish: Es importante saber cómo actuar si alguien se amusga. English: It is important to know how to act if someone chokes.

Idiomatic Expressions

Idiomatic Expression: "Estar al borde de amusgarse" Translation: To be on the edge of choking Example: Spanish: Después de toser tanto, casi estaba al borde de amusgarse. English: After coughing so much, he was almost on the edge of choking.

Idiomatic Expression: "Amusgarse con las palabras" Translation: To choke on one's words Example: Spanish: Cuando le anunciaron la noticia, se amusgó con las palabras. English: When they told him the news, he choked on his words.


Etymology: The word "amusgarse" comes from the Spanish prefix "a-" (towards) and the verb "mugir" (to moo). In this context, it refers to the sound one makes when choking, similar to the sound made by a cow when mooing.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: atragantarse (to choke), sofocar (to suffocate) Antonyms: desatrancar (to unblock), respirar (to breathe)