andana - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

andana (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options

  1. Platform (e.g., at a train station)
  2. Runway
  3. Stage


"Andana" refers to a platform where passengers wait for or get off trains. It can also indicate a runway, like the one used by airplanes for takeoff and landing, or a stage, where performances or presentations take place. The term is more commonly used in the Dominican Republic and is frequently employed in both oral and written contexts. It is more associated with train stations and public transportation in general.

Frequency of Use

Moderate. The word "andana" is used in both oral and written communication, but it is more common in the context of public transportation, especially in the Dominican Republic.

Example Sentences

  1. En la estación de trenes, espera en la andana número tres.
  2. In the train station, wait on platform number three.

  3. El avión despegó desde la andana principal.

  4. The plane took off from the main runway.

  5. La obra de teatro se presentará en la andana del parque.

  6. The play will be presented on the stage in the park.

Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Estar en la andana"
  2. Meaning: To be waiting anxiously for something.
  3. Example: Estoy en la andana esperando los resultados del examen.

    • I am on edge waiting for the exam results.
  4. "Llegar a la andana"

  5. Meaning: To come to an end.
  6. Example: Finalmente, el proyecto llegó a la andana.

    • Finally, the project came to an end.
  7. "Pasar de andana en andana"

  8. Meaning: To move from one place to another frequently.
  9. Example: En su trabajo, pasa de andana en andana sin descanso.
    • At his job, he moves around constantly without rest.


The term "andana" derives from the Arabic word "handan," which was used during the Moorish rule in Spain to refer to a raised platform or walkway.

