aniñarse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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aniñarse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic transcription


How the word is used

"Aniñarse" is a verb in Spanish that means to act like a child or behave in a childish manner. It is more commonly used in spoken language rather than written context.


  1. Cada vez que discuten, ella se aniña y pone caritas tristes.
    (Every time they argue, she acts childish and makes sad faces.)

  2. No te aniñes, necesitamos resolver este problema como adultos.
    (Don't act like a child, we need to solve this problem like adults.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Important Idiomatic Expressions with "Aniñarse":

  1. Aniñarse en
  2. Meaning: To become stubborn or refuse to change one's attitude or behavior.
  3. Example: Siempre se aniña en sus ideas y no escucha a los demás.
    (He always becomes stubborn with his ideas and doesn't listen to others.)

  4. Aniñarse ante

  5. Meaning: To submit or yield to someone's authority or demands.
  6. Example: Prefiere aniñarse ante su jefe a tener problemas en el trabajo.
    (He prefers to submit to his boss rather than have problems at work.)


"Aniñarse" comes from the word "niño" which means child in Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms