apegado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

apegado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription



attached / attached to


"Apegado" in Spanish refers to being emotionally attached or clinging to something or someone. It can also describe a close relationship or affection towards an object, person, or idea. This word is frequently used in the Spanish language, both in oral speech and written contexts. It is often used to express strong emotional connections or bonds.


  1. Estoy muy apegado a mi mascota. (I am very attached to my pet.)

  2. Mi abuela está muy apegada a sus recuerdos de juventud. (My grandmother is very attached to her memories from her youth.)

  3. María siempre ha sido una persona muy apegada a su familia. (Maria has always been a person very attached to her family.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Estar muy apegado a alguien" (to be very attached to someone): to have a strong emotional bond with someone. - Juan está muy apegado a su novia. (Juan is very attached to his girlfriend)

"Estar muy apegado a algo" (to be very attached to something): to be emotionally connected to something. - Julia está muy apegada a su libro favorito. (Julia is very attached to her favorite book)

"Estar apegado como una lapa" (to be as attached as a limpet): to describe someone who is very clingy. - Mi hijo pequeño está apegado como una lapa y no me deja ni un minuto. (My little son is as attached as a limpet and doesn't leave me alone for a minute)


The word "apegado" comes from the verb "apegar," which means to attach, stick, or adhere to something.

