apetite - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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apetite (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:


Phonetic transcription:



The word "apetite" in Spanish is used to refer to a physical desire for food. It is commonly used in both written and oral contexts, and its frequency of use is moderate.

Example sentences:

  1. Tengo mucho apetite después de hacer ejercicio.
    I have a big appetite after exercising.

  2. A mi gato le encanta la comida, siempre tiene apetite.
    My cat loves food, he always has an appetite.

Idiomatic expressions:

In Spanish, the word "apetite" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions. However, below are two examples of idiomatic expressions using the word "apetito" which relate to appetite:

  1. Tener buen apetito: to have a good appetite.
  2. ¡Tengo buen apetito, quiero comer algo delicioso!
    I have a good appetite, I want to eat something delicious!

  3. Abrir el apetito: to whet one's appetite.

  4. Esa sopa me abrió el apetito, ¡qué deliciosa está!
    That soup whet my appetite, it's so delicious!


The word "apetite" comes from the Latin word "appetītus," which means "desire, longing, appetite."

Synonyms and Antonyms: