aponeurosis bucofaríngea - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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aponeurosis bucofaríngea (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/apoˈneuɾosis bukoˌfaˈɾinxea/



The term "aponeurosis bucofaríngea" refers to the buccopharyngeal aponeurosis, which is a thin, flat sheet of connective tissue that covers the superior constrictor muscle of the pharynx and blends into the buccinator muscle of the cheek. This term is mainly used in the field of medicine, specifically in anatomy and related studies. It is more commonly found in written context rather than in oral speech due to its technical nature.

Example Sentences

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "aponeurosis bucofaríngea" is not commonly used in Spanish idiomatic expressions. However, here are some idiomatic expressions with the word "boca" (mouth) and "faringe" (pharynx): - Estar con la boca abierta: To be surprised or astonished.
Example: Cuando le conté la noticia, se quedó con la boca abierta. (When I told him the news, he was left speechless.) - Meter la pata hasta la garganta: To make a big mistake.
Example: Ayer metí la pata hasta la garganta en el trabajo. (Yesterday I made a huge mistake at work.)


Synonyms and Antonyms