aportar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

aportar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Verb

Phonetic Transcription: /apoɾˈtaɾ/

Meanings and Usage: "Aportar" in Spanish means "to contribute" or "to provide." It is commonly used in both written and oral contexts. This verb is frequently used in a variety of situations where someone is adding or giving something to a cause, project, discussion, etc.

Verb Tenses: - Present: yo aporto, tú aportas, él/ella aporta, nosotros/as aportamos, vosotros/as aportáis, ellos/as aportan - Preterite: yo aporté, tú aportaste, él/ella aportó, nosotros/as aportamos, vosotros/as aportasteis, ellos/as aportaron - Imperfect: yo aportaba, tú aportabas, él/ella aportaba, nosotros/as aportábamos, vosotros/as aportabais, ellos/as aportaban - Future: yo aportaré, tú aportarás, él/ella aportará, nosotros/as aportaremos, vosotros/as aportaréis, ellos/as aportarán

Gerund: aportando

Examples: 1. Voy a aportar ideas al proyecto. (I am going to contribute ideas to the project.) 2. ¿Puedes aportar algo de información sobre el tema? (Can you provide some information on the topic?)

Idiomatic Expressions: "Aportar" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few examples: 1. Aportar su grano de arena: To contribute one's grain of sand (to contribute in a small way). 2. Aportar datos: To provide data/information. 3. Aportar soluciones: To contribute solutions.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions: 1. Aportó su grano de arena en la organización del evento. (He contributed in a small way to the organization of the event.) 2. Es importante aportar datos concretos en la investigación. (It's important to provide specific data in the research.) 3. Necesitamos aportar soluciones creativas a este problema. (We need to contribute creative solutions to this issue.)

Etymology: The word "aportar" comes from the Latin word "apportare," which means "to bring to."

Synonyms: - Contribuir (to contribute) - Dar (to give) - Suministrar (to supply)

Antonyms: - Restar (to subtract) - Retirar (to withdraw)