apoyado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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apoyado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun

Phonetic Transcription: /apoˈʝaðo/

Meanings and Usage: The word "apoyado" in Spanish can act as an adjective, the past participle of the verb "apoyar," which means "to support" or "to lean on." As an adjective, "apoyado" means "supported" or "rested on." This word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts in Spanish.

Verb Forms: As the past participle of the verb "apoyar," the word "apoyado" can be used in different tenses and moods as follows: - Present: apoyo, apoyas, apoya, apoyamos, apoyáis, apoyan - Preterite: apoyé, apoyaste, apoyó, apoyamos, apoyasteis, apoyaron - Imperfect: apoyaba, apoyabas, apoyaba, apoyábamos, apoyabais, apoyaban - Conditional: apoyaría, apoyarías, apoyaría, apoyaríamos, apoyaríais, apoyarían - Future: apoyaré, apoyarás, apoyará, apoyaremos, apoyaréis, apoyarán - Present Subjunctive: apoye, apoyes, apoye, apoyemos, apoyéis, apoyen - Imperfect Subjunctive: apoyara or apoyase, apoyaras or apoyases, apoyara or apoyase, apoyáramos or apoyásemos, apoyarais or apoyaseis, apoyaran or apoyasen - Imperative: apoya (tú), apoye (usted), apoyad (vosotros), apoyen (ustedes)

Example Phrases: 1. Estoy apoyado en la barandilla. (I am leaning on the railing.) 2. La idea ha sido apoyada por todas las personas presentes. (The idea has been supported by everyone present.)

Idiomatic Expressions: "Apoyado" is often used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Some examples include: 1. "Estar bien apoyado": To have strong support or backing. 2. "Dejar apoyado": To leave something in a certain place in order to be supported. 3. "Apoyado en los laureles": Resting on one's laurels, being complacent with previous achievements.

Etymology: The word "apoyado" comes from the verb "apoyar," which in turn comes from the Latin "appodiare," meaning "to lean."

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Synonyms: - Sostenido (supported) - Acompañado (accompanied) - Respaldado (backed)

Antonyms: - Desamparado (unsupported) - Desprotegido (unprotected) - Abandonado (abandoned)