apoyo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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apoyo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


Meanings and Usage

Verb Forms



  1. Spanish: Siempre cuento con el apoyo de mis amigos. English: I always count on the support of my friends.

  2. Spanish: El apoyo de mi familia es fundamental para mí. English: My family's backing is essential to me.

Idiomatic expressions

"Apoyo" is often part of idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few examples:

  1. Estar en apuros:
  2. Meaning: To be in trouble or in a difficult situation.
  3. Example: Juan está en apuros económicos, necesita nuestra ayuda.

    • Translation: Juan is in financial trouble, he needs our help.
  4. Dar el apoyo incondicional:

  5. Meaning: To give unconditional support.
  6. Example: Siempre he dado el apoyo incondicional a mis hijos.

    • Translation: I have always given unconditional support to my children.
  7. Contar con el apoyo de alguien:

  8. Meaning: To rely on someone's support.
  9. Example: Puedes contar con mi apoyo en todo momento.
    • Translation: You can count on my support at all times.


The word "apoyo" comes from the verb "apoyar," which means to support or to lean on. It derives from the Latin word "appodiāre," composed of "ad" (to) and "podium" (foot).

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Soporte (Support) - Ayuda (Help) - Respaldo (Backing) - Sostén (Sustain)

Antonyms: - Desamparo (Neglect) - Abandono (Abandonment) - Desatención (Negligence)