arbol - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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arbol (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Noun

Phonetic transcription: /aɾˈbol/

Meanings and Usage: The word "árbol" in Spanish means "tree" in English. It is a common word used in both oral and written Spanish. Trees are an essential part of the environment and are ubiquitous in Spanish-speaking countries, which makes this word quite frequent in conversations, literature, and everyday language.

Verb Forms: As "árbol" is a noun, it does not have verb forms or gerunds associated with it.

Examples: 1. El árbol da sombra en el jardín. (The tree provides shade in the garden.) 2. Los pájaros cantan en el árbol. (The birds sing in the tree.)

Idiomatic Expressions: There are some common idiomatic expressions in Spanish that involve the word "árbol": 1. "No ver el árbol que no deja ver el bosque" - Literally: "Not to see the tree that doesn't let see the forest." Meaning: Not being able to see the bigger picture because of focusing on small details. 2. "Cosecha lo que siembres" - Literally: "Harvest what you plant." Meaning: You will get what you deserve based on your actions. 3. "Estar como un árbol" - Literally: "To be like a tree." Meaning: To stand firm, unshakeable.

Etymology: The word "árbol" comes from the Latin word "arbor."

Synonyms: - "planta" (plant) - "vegetal" (vegetation) - "fronda" (foliage)

Antonyms: - "madera" (wood) - "leñador" (lumberjack) - "deforestación" (deforestation)