arcilla fluente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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arcilla fluente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Noun phrase

Phonetic transcription

/arˈθi.ʎa ˈflwen.te/

Translation options into English


"Arcilla fluente" refers to a type of clay that is easily molded or shaped due to its high plasticity. It is commonly found near rivers or in areas with water flow.

This term is more frequently used in written contexts, especially in scientific or geographical texts.

Example sentences

  1. El alfarero utilizó arcilla fluente para modelar la vasija.
  2. The potter used fluvial clay to mold the vessel.

  3. La arcilla fluente es ideal para trabajos de cerámica.

  4. Fluvial clay is ideal for ceramic work.

Idiomatic expressions

  1. Estar hecho de arcilla fluente
  2. To be very adaptable or flexible.

    • Ese político está hecho de arcilla fluente, siempre se adapta a las circunstancias.
    • That politician is made of fluvial clay, he always adapts to the circumstances.
  3. Tocar arcilla fluente

  4. To have a soft touch or delicate approach.
    • Su habilidad para tocar arcilla fluente nos ayudó a resolver el problema.
    • His ability to touch fluvial clay helped us solve the problem.


The term "arcilla" comes from the Latin word "argilla" which means clay. "Fluente" comes from the Latin word "fluēns" which means flowing.

Synonyms and Antonyms