argonero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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argonero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Noun

Phonetic transcription: /arɣoˈneɾo/

Meanings and Usage: - Meaning: "Argonero" refers to a person who collects and sells waste products like cardboard, plastic, and metal for recycling. This term is commonly used in the context of recycling and waste management. - Usage: "Argonero" is more commonly used in oral speech rather than in written context. It is a specific term in Spanish that is primarily used when referring to individuals involved in collecting and selling recyclable materials.

Example Phrases: 1. Los argoneros recogen materiales reciclables por las calles. - Translation: "The waste collectors pick up recyclable materials from the streets." 2. Mi vecino es un argonero y trabaja todo el día recolectando cartón y plástico. - Translation: "My neighbor is a waste collector and works all day gathering cardboard and plastic."

Idiomatic Expressions: - While "argonero" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, there are idioms that involve the term "reciclar" (to recycle) which is closely related to the concept of waste collection and recycling. Some examples include: 1. "Darle una segunda vida": To give something a second life (similar to recycling). 2. "Basura de unos, tesoro de otros": One person's trash is another person's treasure (highlighting the value of recycling). 3. "Reducir, Reutilizar, Reciclar": Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (emphasizing the importance of waste management).

Etymology: The term "argonero" comes from the word "argoño," which is a basket specifically designed for collecting and carrying waste materials. Over time, the term evolved to refer to individuals who collect and sell recyclable waste.

Synonyms and Antonyms: - Synonyms: Reciclador (waste collector), chatarrero (scrap dealer) - Antonyms: Derrochador (wasteful), contaminante (pollutant)