arreglarse con a - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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arreglarse con a (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Verbo + Preposición

Phonetic transcription

/arreˈɣlarˌse kon a/

Translation options

To fix things with


The phrase "arreglarse con" is a verb followed by the preposition "con," meaning "to fix things with" or "to make amends with" someone. It is usually used when two people reconcile after a disagreement or argument. This phrase is more commonly used in oral speech than in written contexts.


  1. Spanish: Después de la discusión, Anita decidió arreglarse con su hermano. English: After the argument, Anita decided to make amends with her brother.

  2. Spanish: Manuela se arregló con su jefe después del malentendido. English: Manuela fixed things with her boss after the misunderstanding.

Idiomatic expressions

"Arreglarse con A" is commonly used in Spanish idiomatic expressions. Here are some examples:

  1. Spanish: Arreglarse con el enemigo. English: To make peace with the enemy. (Patch up a quarrel)

  2. Spanish: Arreglarse con la almohada. English: To confide in one's pillow. (To talk to oneself before sleeping)

  3. Spanish: Arreglarse con pan y cebolla. English: To make do with very little. (To live a modest life)


The word "arreglar" comes from the Latin "ad + regŭlare," which means "to adjust." The preposition "con" means "with."

Synonyms and Antonyms