artificio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

artificio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:


Phonetic transcription:


Translation options into English:


"Artificio" in Spanish refers to a device or contrivance, especially when it comes to something that is mechanical. It can also denote a cunning or skillful maneuver, often with a negative connotation, implying deception or trickery. This word is more commonly used in written contexts.


  1. Su plan estaba lleno de artificios para engañar a sus competidores.
    (His plan was full of tricks to deceive his competitors.)

  2. El artificio del mago dejó a todos boquiabiertos.
    (The magician's artifice left everyone speechless.)

Idiomatic expressions:

"Artificio" is not commonly used in Spanish idiomatic expressions, but there are some phrases where it can appear: 1. Hacer algo con artificio: To do something with cunning or skillfully. 2. Tejer artificios: To weave deceit or deception.

Example sentences with idiomatic expressions:

  1. Siempre logra salir bien parado de las situaciones difíciles porque suele hacer las cosas con artificio.
    (He always manages to come out on top in difficult situations because he tends to do things with cunning.)

  2. No confíes en él, es experto en tejer artificios para salirse con la suya.
    (Don't trust him, he is an expert in weaving deceit to get his way.)


The word "artificio" comes from the Latin "arteficĭum," which is composed of "ars," meaning "art," and "facere," meaning "to make."

