Meaning: Asiduidad refers to the quality of being assiduous, which includes characteristics such as diligence, perseverance, steadfastness, and regularity in an activity or engagement. It conveys the idea of continuous effort and presence in a task or situation.
Usage: The term is commonly used in both written and oral contexts but may appear more frequently in written discourse, such as academic writing or formal discussions.
Frequency of Use: Its usage is moderate; it's not an everyday term but is often encountered in discussions of academic diligence or regular participation in activities.
Example Sentences
La asiduidad en sus estudios lo llevó a obtener excelentes calificaciones.
Translation: His diligence in his studies led him to achieve excellent grades.
La asiduidad que mostró en el trabajo fue reconocida por su jefe.
Translation: The diligence he showed at work was recognized by his boss.
La asiduidad en las reuniones del club es fundamental para el éxito del proyecto.
Translation: Regularity in club meetings is essential for the success of the project.
Idiomatic Expressions
While asiduidad itself is not commonly used in many idiomatic expressions, it does relate to the notion of commitment and diligence that often appear in various phrases regarding persistence and effort.
Example Idiomatic Sentences
Trabajar con asiduidad no solo trae resultados, sino también reconocimiento.
Translation: Working with diligence not only brings results but also recognition.
La asiduidad en el deporte es clave para el rendimiento óptimo.
Translation: Diligence in sports is key to optimal performance.
Se necesita asiduidad para dominar un nuevo idioma.
Translation: It requires diligence to master a new language.
La asiduidad de los estudiantes en clase se reflejó en sus exámenes.
Translation: The diligence of the students in class was reflected in their exams.
La asiduidad en el cumplimiento de las tareas es crucial en cualquier profesión.
Translation: Diligence in completing tasks is crucial in any profession.
The word asiduidad comes from the Latin term assiduitatem, which is derived from assiduus meaning "to sit near" or "to be present". This reflects the idea of someone who is consistently present or engaged in an activity.