Aspirante is a noun.
In the Spanish language, aspirante refers to a person who aspires to a position, role, or status. This term is commonly used in various contexts, including educational, professional, and competitive settings, such as job applications, examinations, and contests. Its frequency of use can be considered moderate, as it appears in both oral and written contexts, though it may be more prevalent in formal settings such as job postings, resumes, and academic applications.
El aspirante a ingeniero presentó su proyecto en la conferencia.
(The engineering aspirant presented his project at the conference.)
La escuela seleccionará a un nuevo aspirante para la beca el próximo mes.
(The school will select a new candidate for the scholarship next month.)
Los aspirantes deben pasar un examen para ser aceptados en el curso.
(The candidates must pass an exam to be accepted into the course.)
While "aspirante" itself may not be a core component of many idiomatic expressions, it can be combined in various phrases related to ambition and desire for certain roles or positions. Below are a few examples:
Su aspirante a líder mostró gran dedicación durante el proyecto.
(Their aspirant leader showed great dedication during the project.)
Aspirante a maestro
El aspirante a maestro mostró su pasión por la enseñanza en la entrevista.
(The teacher candidate showed his passion for teaching in the interview.)
Aspirante a artista
The word aspirante comes from the Latin "aspirans," which is the present participle of "aspirare," meaning "to aspire" or "to breathe toward," implying a longing or striving for something.