Verb phrase
/asumiɾ rjesɣo/
To assume risk
This verb phrase is used in Spanish to convey the idea of taking on or accepting a risk or danger in a given situation. It is often used to indicate that someone is willing to face potential uncertainties or consequences.
"Asumir riesgo" is commonly used in both spoken and written Spanish, especially in contexts related to business, finance, sports, and personal decision-making.
Decidió asumir riesgo y lanzar su propia empresa. (He decided to take a risk and start his own company.)
Es importante tener en cuenta las consecuencias al momento de asumir riesgo. (It is important to consider the consequences when assuming risk.)
Example: Prefiero asumir un riesgo calculado en lugar de no intentarlo. (I prefer to take a calculated risk rather than not trying at all.)
"Asumir riesgos es parte del proceso"
The word "asumir" comes from the Latin "assumĕre," which means "to take upon oneself." The word "riesgo" derived from the Italian "rischio," from the Arabic "risq," meaning "danger."