Verb (intransitive)
"Aterrizar" means to arrive on the ground after flying, particularly in the context of aircraft. In military and aeronautics, it often refers to the landing of planes or helicopters. This verb is commonly used in both spoken and written contexts, especially in technical discussions related to aviation, logistics, and military operations. The frequency of use is relatively high, given the importance of landing in flight operations. In everyday conversation, it can also be used metaphorically to describe bringing an idea or plan into reality.
El piloto logró aterrizar el avión a tiempo.
The pilot was able to land the plane on time.
Después de varias horas de vuelo, finalmente aterrizamos en el aeropuerto.
After several hours of flight, we finally touched down at the airport.
La misión requiere que los helicópteros aterricen en la zona designada.
The mission requires the helicopters to land in the designated area.
"Aterrizar" is commonly included in several idiomatic expressions, particularly when referring to bringing ideas to a practical level or making something more understandable. Here are some examples:
Necesitamos aterrizar esta idea para que todos la entiendan.
We need to ground this idea so that everyone understands it.
Aterrizar el proyecto
To finalize the project
Es fundamental aterrizar el proyecto antes de la fecha límite.
It is essential to finalize the project before the deadline.
Aterrizar en la realidad
To face reality
Después de mucho soñar, tuvo que aterrizar en la realidad y buscar un trabajo.
After dreaming a lot, he had to face reality and look for a job.
Aterrizar un plan
To implement a plan
The word "aterrizar" comes from the combination of the prefix "a-" (indicating direction towards) and "tierra," meaning "earth" or "ground." The verb reflects the action of moving towards the ground.
Synonyms: - Touch down - Decend - LLegar (to arrive, in a broader sense)
Antonyms: - Despegar (to take off) - Elevarse (to rise) - Ascender (to ascend)