The word atleta is a noun.
The word atleta refers to a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise. It commonly describes those who compete in athletic activities, ranging from amateur to professional levels.
Frequency of Use: The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts. In everyday conversation, it may come up frequently during discussions about sports, competitions, or fitness. In written texts like articles, reports, or literature focusing on sports, it appears regularly.
El atleta ganó la carrera con un nuevo récord personal.
(The athlete won the race with a new personal record.)
Mi hermano es un atleta muy dedicado que entrena todos los días.
(My brother is a very dedicated athlete who trains every day.)
Los atletas deben seguir una dieta estricta para mantenerse en forma.
(Athletes must follow a strict diet to stay fit.)
The word atleta appears in a few idiomatic expressions, although it's more straightforward and typically doesn't have many well-known idioms directly associated with it. However, here are some common expressions and contexts that include the word:
Ser un atleta de élite
(To be an elite athlete)
El atleta de élite necesita mucha disciplina y esfuerzo.
(The elite athlete needs a lot of discipline and effort.)
Atleta de la vida
(Athlete of life)
Debemos ser atletas de la vida y enfrentar los retos con coraje.
(We must be athletes of life and face challenges with courage.)
Atleta en el campo
(Athlete on the field)
El atleta en el campo mostró habilidades impresionantes durante el partido.
(The athlete on the field showed impressive skills during the match.)
The word atleta comes from the Latin word athleta, which itself is derived from the Greek word ἀθλητής (athlētēs), meaning "one who competes for a prize." This showcases the historical context of competitive physical activities, emphasizing the association of athletes with competition and reward.
Synonyms: - Competidor (Competitor) - Deportista (Sportsman/Sportswoman) - Jugador (Player, though this can be more specific to team sports)
Antonyms: - Inactivo (Inactive) - Sedentario (Sedentary) - Desentrenado (Untrained)