The word "atrasado" is primarily used as an adjective to describe something that is behind schedule, delayed, or late. It can refer to time in various contexts, such as being late to an appointment, a project delay, or a late payment in economic and legal scenarios. The term can also imply a condition of being outdated or behind in progress or development.
"atrasado" is relatively common in both oral and written contexts, especially in situations related to scheduling and punctuality, business deadlines, and financial matters. It tends to be used more frequently in written contexts in formal settings, such as legal documents and contracts.
El proyecto está atrasado debido a problemas técnicos.
The project is delayed due to technical issues.
Llegué atrasado a la reunión y perdí la presentación.
I arrived late to the meeting and missed the presentation.
Su pago está atrasado, y necesita regularizarlo.
His payment is overdue, and he needs to regularize it.
The term "atrasado" can be found in various idiomatic expressions, typically associated with being late or behind:
Estar atrasado en los pagos puede afectar tu crédito.
Being behind on payments can affect your credit.
Correr contra el tiempo para no estar atrasado
To rush against time to not be late
Siempre estoy corriendo contra el tiempo para no estar atrasado a mis citas.
I am always rushing against time not to be late for my appointments.
Llegar con diez minutos atrasado
To arrive ten minutes late
Ella siempre llega con diez minutos atrasado a la clase.
She always arrives ten minutes late to class.
No quiero estar atrasado en mis tareas
I don't want to fall behind on my tasks
No quiero estar atrasado en mis tareas, así que voy a trabajar todo el fin de semana.
I don’t want to fall behind on my tasks, so I’m going to work all weekend.
Estar atrasado en el desarrollo
To be lagging in development
The word "atrasado" comes from the Spanish verb "atrasar," which means "to delay" or "to set back." The root "tras-" comes from "tras," meaning "behind" or "after."
Synonyms: - Retrasado - Tardío - Demorado
Antonyms: - Puntual - Adelantado - Anticipado