The word "atroz" is used in Spanish to describe something that is extremely bad, cruel, or dreadful. It can pertain to situations, conditions, or behaviors that are considered to be reprehensible or shocking. The term is often employed in both oral and written contexts, although it can be more common in formal or descriptive discussions about negative experiences or conditions. The frequency of use may vary, but it tends to be more common in oral speech within colloquial settings, especially when discussing intense or severe situations.
The news about the crime was atrocious and left everyone in shock.
El comportamiento atroz de algunos miembros de la comunidad fue condenando por todos.
The atrocious behavior of some community members was condemned by everyone.
El clima en esa región es atroz durante el invierno.
While "atroz" does not have a large number of idiomatic expressions associated with it, it can still appear in certain phrases that emphasize severity or a degree of negativity. Here are a few examples:
Ejemplo: Hacer algo atroz nunca es una opción válida.
(Doing something atrocious is never a valid option.)
"Sentirse atroz."
Ejemplo: Me siento atroz después de lo que pasó ayer.
(I feel atrocious after what happened yesterday.)
"Su actitud fue atroz."
Ejemplo: Su actitud fue atroz y dañó a muchos.
(His/her attitude was atrocious and hurt many.)
"Una decisión atroz."
The word "atroz" is derived from the Latin "atrox, atrocis," which means "cruel" or "fierce." It has evolved in the Spanish language to describe something that is overwhelmingly bad or terrible.
Synonyms: - Horrendo - Terrible - Cruel - Espantoso
Antonyms: - Benigno - Agradable - Dulce - Favorable
This comprehensive breakdown captures the essence of the word "atroz" and provides insights into its usage, meanings, and related expressions within the Spanish language.