The word "audible" translates to "audible" in English as well. It can also be contextualized as "perceptible" in some situations.
In Spanish, "audible" refers to something that can be heard. It denotes sound that is loud enough to be perceivable by the human ear. The term is commonly used in both medical and general contexts, often referring to sounds produced by the body or any other sounds that can be easily detected.
The doctor said that the heartbeat was clearly audible.
En la sala de conferencia, la voz del presentador era audible incluso desde el fondo.
In the conference room, the presenter’s voice was audible even from the back.
Asegúrate de que el sonido sea audible para todos en la audiencia.
While "audible" is not as commonly used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish, it can still be related to phrases that deal with sound and perception. Below are a few example sentences that involve auditory themes:
(Referring to drawing attention to something that is normally overlooked.)
A veces es mejor ser audible que estar en silencio extremo.
(Highlighting the value of having a voice or presence.)
Su voz era audible sobre el ruido de la multitud.
The term "audible" originates from the Latin "audibilis," meaning "able to be heard," which itself comes from "audire," meaning "to hear." This Latin root emphasizes the connection with sound perception.
Synonyms: - Perceptible (perceptible) - Oíble ( قابل للسمع)
Antonyms: - Inaudible (inaudible) - Silencioso (silent)
This covers a comprehensive analysis of the term "audible" in a Spanish context.