The word "austero" is used to describe something that is simple, strict, or lacking in ornamentation. It can refer to a person's lifestyle, a design style, or an atmosphere that is serious or severe. The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, and it can apply in various scenarios including discussions about architecture, fashion, or personal behavior.
The term is moderately frequent in Spanish. It tends to appear more often in written forms like literature, academic texts, and formal discussions, but it is also used in daily conversation.
El monasterio tiene una decoración austera que refleja su filosofía de vida.
The monastery has an austere decoration that reflects its philosophy of life.
La dieta que sigo es bastante austera, sin demasiados lujos.
The diet I follow is quite austere, without too many luxuries.
Su estilo de vida austero le ha permitido ahorrar mucho dinero.
His austere lifestyle has allowed him to save a lot of money.
The word "austero" can be part of various idiomatic expressions that highlight simplicity or seriousness. Here are a few examples:
Me siento mejor al vivir de manera austera, sin demasiados lujos.
I feel better living in an austere manner, without too many luxuries.
Tener una dieta austera
To have an austere diet
Para mejorar su salud, decidió tener una dieta austera.
To improve his health, he decided to have an austere diet.
Un ambiente austero
An austere environment
La conferencia se llevó a cabo en un ambiente austero, lo que facilitó la concentración.
The conference took place in an austere environment, which facilitated concentration.
Austeridad económica
Economic austerity
Las medidas de austeridad económica han afectado a muchas familias.
The economic austerity measures have affected many families.
Un estilo de vida austero
An austere lifestyle
The word "austero" comes from the Latin word "austerus," which means "harsh" or "severe." The term retains a similar connotation in Spanish, reflecting the characteristics of severity and plainness.