autarquía económica - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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autarquía económica (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription

/autarˈkia ekonoˈmika/

Translation options


"Autarquía económica" refers to a state's economic policy where it aims to be self-sufficient and independent from other countries in terms of economic resources, production, and trade. This concept is mostly used in economics and geography. It emphasizes the idea of a country producing all the goods and services it needs without having to rely on imports.


The term is more commonly used in written contexts, especially in economics literature. It is not frequently used in everyday oral speech but is well understood by Spanish speakers.


  1. El país se encuentra en un proceso de transición hacia la autarquía económica.
    (The country is in a process of transitioning towards economic autarky.)

  2. La autarquía económica puede tener ventajas en tiempos de crisis internacionales.
    (Economic self-sufficiency can have advantages in times of international crises.)

Idiomatic Expressions

Examples of Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Prefieren vivir en autarquía antes que depender de otros países.
    (They prefer to live in economic isolation rather than depending on other countries.)

  2. Nuestro objetivo es buscar la autarquía económica para protegernos de crisis externas.
    (Our goal is to strive for economic independence to protect ourselves from external crises.)


The term "autarquía" comes from the Greek words "auto" meaning "self" and "arkein" meaning "to be sufficient." The concept of economic autarky has evolved from the idea of self-sufficiency advocated by various economic and political thinkers throughout history.

Synonyms and Antonyms