The word "autoridades" is a plural noun in Spanish.
"Autoridades" refers to individuals or groups that hold power, control, or governance in a given context, often within a governmental or institutional framework. It is commonly used to denote entities responsible for enforcing laws, regulations, or policies.
Frequency of use is high in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions related to politics, law, and governance.
Las autoridades locales están implementando nuevas medidas de seguridad. Local authorities are implementing new security measures.
Las autoridades educativas anunciaron cambios en el currículo escolar. The educational authorities announced changes to the school curriculum.
Es importante que las autoridades tengan en cuenta las necesidades de la comunidad. It is important for the authorities to take into account the community's needs.
"Autoridades" is often used in various idiomatic expressions related to governance or regulation. Below are some examples:
Las autoridades compétentes
The competent authorities
Ejemplo: Las autoridades competentes deben intervenir en situaciones de emergencia.
The competent authorities must intervene in emergency situations.
Autoridades de salud
Health authorities
Ejemplo: Las autoridades de salud aconsejan vacunarse contra la influenza.
Health authorities advise getting vaccinated against influenza.
Establecimiento de autoridades
Establishment of authorities
Ejemplo: El establecimiento de autoridades claras ayuda a mantener el orden.
The establishment of clear authorities helps maintain order.
The word "autoridades" derives from the Latin "auctoritas," which means "influence, authority, or power." The root "auctor" signifies "increaser" or "author." Over time, the term evolved in Spanish to represent the plural form of individuals or organizations that exert control or influence.
Synonyms: - Poderes (powers) - Oficiales (officials) - Mandatarios (mandators)
Antonyms: - Subordinados (subordinates) - Ciudadanos (citizens) - Individuos (individuals)