autorizado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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autorizado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Autorizado" is an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription

/awtoɾiˈθaðo/ (Castilian Spanish)
/awtoɾiˈzado/ (Latin American Spanish)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "autorizado" refers to someone or something that has been given official permission or approval to act or do something. It can also describe a document, action, or status that has received the necessary approval or is legitimate.

The term is commonly used in legal contexts, such as when referencing authorized representatives, licenses, or permissions. It is frequently found in both written and spoken language, although the formal context makes its appearance more prevalent in written form, especially in legal texts, contracts, or official documents.

Example Sentences

  1. El abogado solo puede actuar como autorizado si tiene un poder notarial.
    (The lawyer can only act as an authorized representative if they have a notarized power of attorney.)

  2. Para ser autorizado a conducir, necesitas aprobar el examen de manejo.
    (To be authorized to drive, you need to pass the driving test.)

  3. La empresa solo puede operar en este país si es autorizada por el gobierno.
    (The company can only operate in this country if it is authorized by the government.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "autorizado" is not an integral part of many idiomatic expressions, it does appear in specific phrases often related to legality and permission. Here are some expressions that include the term:

  1. Autorizado para actuar: Se refiere a alguien que tiene permiso para realizar ciertas acciones.
    (Authorized to act: Refers to someone who has permission to carry out certain actions.)
  2. Example: Solo el gerente está autorizado para actuar en esta situación.
    (Only the manager is authorized to act in this situation.)

  3. Autorizado por ley: Indica que algo es permitido según las leyes vigentes.
    (Authorized by law: Indicates that something is permitted according to current laws.)

  4. Example: La venta de alcohol a menores no está autorizada por ley.
    (The sale of alcohol to minors is not authorized by law.)

  5. Documento autorizado: Se refiere a un documento que está debidamente firmado y aceptado por la autoridad competente.
    (Authorized document: Refers to a document that is duly signed and accepted by the competent authority.)

  6. Example: Necesitamos un documento autorizado para completar el registro.
    (We need an authorized document to complete the registration.)


The word "autorizado" originates from the Spanish verb "autorizar," which comes from the Latin "auctorizare," meaning "to give authority" or "to empower." The root "auctor" relates to a creator or author, which reinforces the idea of someone who gives permission or authority.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Aprobado (Approved) - Permitado (Permitted) - Legitimado (Legitimized)

Antonyms: - No autorizado (Unauthorized) - Ilegal (Illegal) - Prohibido (Prohibited)
