The word "auxiliares" is a plural noun in Spanish.
In Spanish, "auxiliares" refers to something that is auxiliary or serving as an assistant. It can refer to people or objects that assist in carrying out a task. The term is frequently used in both written and spoken contexts, particularly in fields like linguistics (auxiliary verbs), education (auxiliary staff), and medicine (auxiliary personnel).
Los auxiliares de enfermería son esenciales en un hospital.
The nursing assistants are essential in a hospital.
En la gramática, los auxiliares ayudan a formar tiempos compuestos.
In grammar, auxiliary verbs help form compound tenses.
Los auxiliares del doctor recibieron una capacitación intensiva.
The doctor's assistants received intensive training.
While "auxiliares" might not be directly involved in many idiomatic expressions, the concept of auxiliaries plays a role in several phrases that reflect assistance or support.
El bombero llegó rápido para brindar auxilio a los heridos.
The firefighter arrived quickly to provide assistance to the injured.
"Auxiliares en la lucha"
assistants in the fight
Los voluntarios son auxiliares en la lucha contra la pobreza.
Volunteers are assistants in the fight against poverty.
"Tener auxiliares"
to have helpers
The term "auxiliar" comes from the Latin word auxiliāris, which means "of help" or "helping". It stems from auxilium, meaning "help" or "aid".
Synonyms: - asistentes (assistants) - colaboradores (collaborators) - ayudantes (helpers)
Antonyms: - principales (principals) - jefes (chiefs) - directores (directors)