avenir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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avenir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "avenir" can be classified as a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The primary translations of "avenir" in English are: - Future - To happen - To come

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "avenir" refers to the concept of the future, particularly in a more abstract, philosophical or forward-looking context. In legal terms, it can be used to discuss future events, consequences, or outcomes that are anticipated. The word is somewhat rare and might appear more frequently in written contexts (e.g., literature, legal documents) rather than in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante considerar el avenir de nuestra sociedad.
    It is important to consider the future of our society.

  2. El avenir de la legislación en este país es incierto.
    The future of legislation in this country is uncertain.

  3. Muchos filósofos han debatido sobre el avenir de la humanidad.
    Many philosophers have debated the future of humanity.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Avenir" is not widely featured in common idiomatic expressions, but it can be contextually linked to phrases that emphasize foresight or anticipation. Below are a few constructions that may use variations of "venir" and a philosophical or predictive nature involving future events:

  1. Prever el avenir
    To foresee the future.
  2. Es crucial prever el avenir para evitar problemas.
    It is crucial to foresee the future to avoid problems.

  3. Cambiar el avenir
    To change the future.

  4. Nuestras acciones pueden cambiar el avenir de la tierra.
    Our actions can change the future of the earth.

  5. Construir el avenir
    To build the future.

  6. Debemos trabajar juntos para construir el avenir que deseamos.
    We must work together to build the future we want.

  7. El avenir nos dirá
    The future will tell us.

  8. Solo el avenir nos dirá si tomamos la decisión correcta.
    Only the future will tell us if we made the right decision.


The word "avenir" originates from the Latin "advenire," where "ad" means "to" and "venire" means "to come." Over time, its meaning evolved in various Romance languages, including Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Futuro (future) - Porvenir (future, often used in literature) - Destino (destiny)

Antonyms: - Pasado (past) - Historia (history)

This thorough exploration of "avenir" highlights its essence within the Spanish lexicon, its usage, and the implications surrounding future events.
