avión de transporte (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Part of speech:
Noun phrase
Phonetic transcription:
/aˈβjon de tɾansˈpoɾte/
Translation options:
Transport plane
Cargo aircraft
The phrase avión de transporte refers to an aircraft specifically designed for the transportation of personnel, equipment, or supplies within the military context. This term is commonly used in the Spanish language, especially in the military and aviation fields, both in oral speech and written context.
Example sentences:
El avión de transporte llegó a la base militar con suministros de emergencia.
Translation: The transport plane arrived at the military base with emergency supplies.
El ejército envió un avión de transporte para repatriar a los soldados heridos.
Translation: The army sent a transport aircraft to repatriate the injured soldiers.
Idiomatic expressions with "avión":
Estar en las nubes
Meaning: To be daydreaming or not paying attention.
Example: Marta siempre está en las nubes, necesita bajar de ese avión.
Translation: Marta is always daydreaming, she needs to come back down to earth.
Salida de vuelo
Meaning: Departure of a flight.
Example: La salida de vuelo del avión se retrasó por condiciones climáticas.
Translation: The plane's flight departure was delayed due to weather conditions.
Vivir en las nubes
Meaning: To have unrealistic or impractical ideas.
Example: Pedro vive en las nubes si piensa que puede terminar el proyecto tan rápido.
Translation: Pedro is living in the clouds if he thinks he can finish the project so quickly.
The term avión comes from the French word "avion," which means airplane. The word transporte comes from Latin "transportare," which means "to carry across."