baca - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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baca (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word baca is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of baca in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /ˈbaka/.

Translation Options into English

The main translation of the word baca into English is rack (as in a luggage rack or roof rack). Additionally, it can refer to a type of crossbeam in some contexts, and in certain regions, it might also refer to a back (in an informal context).

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, baca primarily refers to a structure used to support or carry items, especially on a vehicle (like a roof rack). It can also denote crossbeams or support systems in construction contexts. The usage of baca is somewhat technical, making it more common in written contexts, such as manuals or architectural drafts, rather than in everyday conversation. However, it may surface in oral contexts when discussing vehicles and transportation.

Example Sentences

  1. La baca del coche es muy útil para transportar maletas.
    (The rack on the car is very useful for transporting suitcases.)

  2. Instalamos una baca para llevar las bicicletas en el techo.
    (We installed a rack to carry the bicycles on the roof.)

  3. No olvides revisar que la baca esté bien asegurada antes de salir.
    (Don't forget to check that the rack is well secured before leaving.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While baca does not have a prominent presence in commonly used idiomatic expressions, it can still occur in specific contexts related to transportation and travel. Below are some related examples:

  1. Llevar algo en la baca.
    (To carry something on the rack.)
    Esta expresión se refiere a la acción de cargar objetos en el techo de un vehículo.
    (This expression refers to the action of loading items on the roof of a vehicle.)

  2. No te olvides de asegurar la carga en la baca.
    (Don't forget to secure the load on the rack.)
    Implica la importancia de mantener la carga segura durante el viaje.
    (It emphasizes the importance of keeping the load secure during travel.)

  3. Un viaje sin baca es un viaje incompleto.
    (A trip without a rack is an incomplete trip.)
    Hace hincapié en la utilidad de tener un rack cuando se viaja.
    (It emphasizes the usefulness of having a rack when traveling.)


The term baca originates from the Latin word vacca, which originally meant cow. In some contexts, the term may have been adapted over time to refer to supportive structures based on their sturdiness and reliability, akin to the reliability of a cow for agricultural communities.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview provides insight into the word baca, its usage in the Spanish language, as well as its relevance and connections to idiomatic expressions.
