bachiller - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bachiller (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "bachiller" commonly refers to someone who has completed secondary education or holds a bachelor's degree at a university level. It can be used in both general and colloquial contexts, though it more frequently appears in formal education discussions.

The term is often used more in written contexts, especially in official documents or academic discussions, but it is also common in oral speech when referring to an individual's educational attainment.

Example Sentences

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "bachiller" can appear in various idiomatic expressions related to education and qualifications.

Example Idiomatic Expressions


The term "bachiller" comes from the Latin word "baccalarius," which originally referred to a young man aspiring to a higher rank in academic or military contexts. Over time, it evolved to denote someone who has achieved a certain level of education.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Graduado (Graduated) - Licenciado (Licensed, often refers to a bachelor's degree holder)

Antonyms: - Analfabeto (Illiterate) - No graduado (Non-graduate)
