bailar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bailar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "bailar" means "to dance" in Spanish. It is commonly used in both general and colloquial contexts, referring to the act of moving rhythmically to music. The usage of "bailar" is prevalent in both oral and written Spanish, with a tendency toward more frequent use in everyday conversations, announcements about events, or descriptions of cultural practices.

Frequency of Use

The word "bailar" is used frequently in the Spanish language, particularly in social contexts, music, and cultural references. It is a common term that appears in songs, festivities, and cultural events, making it an essential part of conversations about leisure and cultural activities.

Example Sentences

  1. "Me gusta bailar en las fiestas."
    (I like to dance at parties.)

  2. "Ellos aprenderán a bailar salsa este fin de semana."
    (They will learn to dance salsa this weekend.)

  3. "Bailar es una forma de expresión muy hermosa."
    (Dancing is a very beautiful form of expression.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "bailar" often appears in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Below are several examples that showcase its figurative usage:

  1. "Bailar con la más fea."
    (To dance with the ugliest one.)
    This expression refers to having to deal with an undesirable situation or person.

  2. "No hay mal que por bien no venga; a veces hay que bailar con el diablo."
    (There's no bad from which good does not come; sometimes you have to dance with the devil.)
    This means that sometimes you have to face difficult situations to achieve something good.

  3. "Si vas a bailar, mejor que lo hagas bien."
    (If you're going to dance, it’s better that you do it well.)
    This implies that if one is going to undertake something, they should do it properly.

  4. "Bailar al son de otro."
    (To dance to another's tune.)
    This phrase is used to describe someone who follows the lead of someone else, often against their own interests.

  5. "A bailar se ha dicho."
    (To dancing, it has been said.)
    An invitation or announcement indicating that it is time to start dancing or enjoy oneself.


The word "bailar" originates from the Latin term "ballare," which means "to dance." The evolution of the word maintained its core meaning throughout its transition from Latin to Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms



Overall, "bailar" plays an important role in Spanish culture, encapsulating not just a physical act but also a cultural expression that brings people together through music and rhythm.
