baja - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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baja (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "baja" can refer to a decrease or reduction in quantity, value, or status. In a general context, it often describes a drop in prices, attendance, performance, or health. As a verb (in its conjugated form: "bajar"), it describes the action of lowering or making something less.

"Baja" is commonly used both in spoken and written contexts, relating to everyday situations such as economics, personal matters, or statistical data. The frequency of use can vary, but it tends to maintain a stable presence in discussions regarding economic trends, healthcare, or personal circumstances.

Example Sentences

  1. La baja en los precios de los alimentos ha beneficiado a los consumidores.
  2. The drop in food prices has benefited consumers.

  3. Su baja de rendimiento en el trabajo preocupa a su jefe.

  4. His decrease in performance at work worries his boss.

  5. Necesitamos evaluar la baja en la asistencia a las clases.

  6. We need to assess the drop in class attendance.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Baja" is an important part of various expressions in Spanish, often reflecting declines or reductions in different contexts.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. La baja de temperatura esta noche será significativa.
  2. The drop in temperature tonight will be significant.

  3. Si la baja continúa, tendremos que ajustar nuestro presupuesto.

  4. If the decrease continues, we will have to adjust our budget.

  5. La empresa sufrió una baja en sus acciones debido a los rumores.

  6. The company suffered a drop in its stock due to rumors.

  7. Tras la baja, su ánimo se vio afectado.

  8. After the decrease, her spirits were affected.

  9. La baja en la moral del equipo fue evidente después de la derrota.

  10. The drop in the team's morale was evident after the defeat.

  11. Experimentamos una baja en la calidad del servicio en el último mes.

  12. We experienced a decline in service quality over the last month.


The word "baja" derives from the Latin word "bassus," which means low or short. It reflects a concept of lowering or decreasing in different contexts through its evolution in the Spanish language.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "baja" is a versatile term used in various contexts to signify a decrease or lowering of something, whether it be in commerce, health, or performance, and is integral to many idiomatic phrases in everyday Spanish language.
