bajera - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bajera (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word bajera is a noun in the Spanish language.

Phonetic Transcription

The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcription for bajera is /baˈxeɾa/.

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, bajera primarily refers to a type of bedsheet, specifically the lower sheet that is placed on the mattress. It is commonly used in household contexts when discussing bedding. The usage of bajera is more frequent in written contexts, especially in home decor and textile discussions.

Frequency of Use

While bajera is understood in various Spanish-speaking regions, it might not be as commonly used in colloquial speech. It tends to appear more in written articles, product descriptions, or household-related discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. "Necesito comprar una bajera nueva para la cama."
  2. "I need to buy a new lower sheet for the bed."

  3. "La bajera está hecha de algodón y es muy suave."

  4. "The lower sheet is made of cotton and is very soft."

  5. "Asegúrate de que la bajera esté bien estirada antes de colocar la colcha."

  6. "Make sure that the lower sheet is well-stretched before placing the bedspread."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word bajera does not have widely recognized idiomatic expressions associated with it in Spanish. However, it can appear in contexts discussing sleep or comfort indirectly.

Example Sentences with Related Context

While not idiomatic in the strictest sense, here are some contextual sentences related to sleep/comfort:

  1. "Una buena bajera es esencial para un sueño reparador."
  2. "A good lower sheet is essential for restorative sleep."

  3. "Cuando la bajera está limpia, todo parece más acogedor."

  4. "When the lower sheet is clean, everything seems cozier."

  5. "Las noches son más placenteras con una bajera de calidad."

  6. "Nights are more pleasant with a quality lower sheet."


The term bajera is derived from the Spanish adjective bajo, which means "low." The suffix -era is used to form nouns that typically denote a type or category. Thus, bajera can be understood literally as something that is "lower."

Synonyms and Antonyms


