bajeza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bajeza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Bajeza is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/baxeθa/ (in Spain) or /baxeza/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options

The word bajeza can be translated into English as: - baseness - lowliness - vileness - meanness

Meaning and Usage

Bajeza refers to the state of being low or base in a moral or social sense. It often denotes a lack of honor, dignity, or integrity. In Spanish, it is used to describe actions, behaviors, or attitudes that are considered dishonorable or morally reprehensible.

Frequency of Use

The word "bajeza" is not commonly used in everyday conversation, making it more frequent in written contexts, such as literature, formal speeches, or discussions of ethics and morality.

Example Sentences

  1. La bajeza de sus acciones lo convirtió en un paria social.
    The baseness of his actions turned him into a social pariah.

  2. No creo que esa bajeza sea algo que deba tolerarse en nuestra comunidad.
    I don't think that such meanness should be tolerated in our community.

  3. La bajeza con la que trató a sus compañeros fue inaceptable.
    The vileness with which he treated his peers was unacceptable.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "bajeza" is not widely used in idiomatic expressions, it does appear in discussions where a moral judgment is implied.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. "Si actúas con bajeza, perderás el respeto de todos."
    If you act with meanness, you will lose everyone's respect.

  2. "La bajeza no lleva a ningún buen camino."
    Baseness does not lead to any good path.

  3. "A veces es difícil evitar la bajeza cuando todos a tu alrededor actúan de la misma manera."
    Sometimes it is hard to avoid vileness when everyone around you acts the same way.

  4. "No te dejes llevar por la bajeza de otros."
    Don't let yourself be influenced by the meanness of others.

  5. "La bajeza de su comportamiento hizo que todos se alejaran."
    The lowliness of his behavior made everyone distance themselves.

  6. "En los momentos de crisis, a veces aflora la bajeza humana."
    In moments of crisis, human meanness sometimes surfaces.


The word bajeza derives from the Spanish adjective bajo, which means "low." This root connects to various words denoting low status, both physically and morally. The suffix "-eza" denotes a quality or state, indicating the state or quality of being low or base.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - vileza (vileness) - mezquindad (meanness) - grosería (rudeness, coarseness)

Antonyms: - nobleza (nobility) - dignidad (dignity) - altivez (loftiness, haughtiness)
