bajos - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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bajos (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Bajos" is an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Low
  2. Short (in height)
  3. Weak (as in sounds or signals)

Meaning and Usage

The word "bajos" generally refers to something that is low in stature, height, volume, or intensity. In polytechnical contexts, it can describe components like low-frequency sounds or measurements that are below a certain threshold.

Frequency of Use: "Bajos" is relatively common in both oral and written contexts, but it appears frequently in technical documentation, particularly in fields involving audio engineering, architecture, and physics.

Example Sentences

  1. Las frecuencias de sonido bajos son fundamentales en la música.
  2. "Low sound frequencies are fundamental in music."

  3. Hemos instalado los altavoces bajos en la sala de conferencia.

  4. "We have installed the low speakers in the conference room."

  5. Los niveles de agua en el río están bajos esta temporada.

  6. "The water levels in the river are low this season."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "bajos" itself may not feature heavily in distinct idiomatic expressions, it can be used in phrases that add context or metaphorical meaning.

  1. Estar bajo mínimos.
  2. "To be running on empty."
  3. (Literal: To be at a low minimum limit; refers to having very little left, whether resources or energy.)

  4. Sacar lo bajo del armario.

  5. "To air one's dirty laundry."
  6. (Literal: To bring out the low things from the closet; means to reveal secrets or embarrassing truths.)

  7. El precio está por los bajos.

  8. "The price is low."
  9. (Used to indicate that something is inexpensive or below market value.)

  10. Bajo el agua.

  11. "Underwater."
  12. (Can mean literally submerged or metaphorically indicates a situation where one is in over their head, such as debts.)


The word "bajo" comes from the Latin "bassus," which means "thick" or "low." Its adjectival form has evolved to convey various related meanings.



This comprehensive overview should give you a well-rounded understanding of the word "bajos" in various contexts.
