Baladronada is a noun in Spanish.
Baladronada refers to a boastful or pretentious statement or action, often characterized by exaggeration or an ostentatious display meant to impress others. This term is frequently used in contexts where someone is showing off or making overconfident claims. It is commonly used in both oral and written forms, though its usage might be more prevalent in literary contexts or formal discussions about pride and arrogance.
Su baladronada sobre los logros alcanzados no convenció a nadie.
His bragging about the achievements didn't convince anyone.
La baladronada del político fue criticada por los medios de comunicación.
The politician's boastfulness was criticized by the media.
A pesar de su baladronada, sabía que no había ganado la competencia.
Despite his bluster, he knew he hadn't won the competition.
Baladronada is often used in idiomatic expressions that reflect boastfulness or arrogance. Here are some examples:
No soporta cuando alguien hace baladronadas en la oficina.
He can't stand it when someone boasts in the office.
Cantar baladronadas
To sing one's own praises
Siempre está cantando baladronadas sobre su trabajo.
He's always singing his own praises about his work.
Baladronadas vacías
Empty boasts
Las baladronadas vacías no impresionan a nadie.
Empty boasts don't impress anyone.
Dejar a alguien con baladronadas
To leave someone with empty boasts
Al final, dejó a todos con baladronadas sin fundamento.
In the end, he left everyone with baseless boasts.
Evitar las baladronadas
To avoid bragging
The word baladronada originates from the word "baladrón," which refers to a person who boasts or brags. The term is believed to have traces back to the Middle Ages in Spain, evolving to incorporate the suffix -ada, which often forms abstract nouns indicating an action or process.
Synonyms: - Alarde - Jactancia - Vanidad
Antonyms: - Humildad - Modestia - Discreción