balanceo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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balanceo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/balanˈθe.o/ (in Spain) or /balanˈse.o/ (in Latin America).

Translation Options into English

  1. Balancing
  2. Offset
  3. Swinging

Meaning and Usage

The term balanceo refers to the act or process of balancing something. In various contexts, it may denote a physical or metaphorical state of equilibrium, adjustment, or swinging motion.

In Spanish, balanceo is commonly used in fields such as sports (referring to the act of balancing movement), engineering (pertaining to the balance of forces), and even in medicine (as in bodily equilibrium).

Its frequency of use varies according to context; it can be found in both oral speech and written contexts, though it is more prevalent in technical or specialized literature.

Example Sentences

  1. El balanceo del columpio es muy divertido para los niños.
    (The swinging of the swing is very fun for the children.)

  2. El balanceo entre trabajo y vida personal es crucial para la salud mental.
    (The balancing between work and personal life is crucial for mental health.)

  3. Se necesita un buen balanceo de fuerzas para que la estructura se mantenga en pie.
    (A good balancing of forces is needed for the structure to stay upright.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word balanceo can be part of several idiomatic expressions in Spanish, often used metaphorically, to express the need for equilibrium in various aspects of life.

  1. Encontrar el balanceo perfecto
    (To find the perfect balance)
  2. Siempre busco encontrar el balanceo perfecto entre trabajo y diversión.
    (I always seek to find the perfect balance between work and fun.)

  3. Hacer el balanceo adecuado
    (To make the right balance)

  4. Es importante hacer el balanceo adecuado en las decisiones financieras.
    (It is important to make the right balance in financial decisions.)

  5. Balanceo de prioridades
    (Balancing priorities)

  6. El balanceo de prioridades es esencial cuando se tiene una familia y un trabajo.
    (Balancing priorities is essential when you have a family and a job.)

  7. El balanceo de emociones
    (Balancing emotions)

  8. Ella trabaja en el balanceo de sus emociones para lidiar con el estrés.
    (She works on balancing her emotions to cope with stress.)


The word balanceo is derived from the Spanish verb balancear, which itself comes from the Latin bilanx, meaning "having two scales" or "two plates." The concept relates to the idea of weighing or comparing two sides against one another.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview covers the word balanceo in various contexts, demonstrating its versatility and relevance in different domains.
