balanza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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balanza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Scale
  2. Balance
  3. Weighing scale

Meaning and Usage

The term "balanza" refers to a device used for weighing objects, commonly known as a scale. It is frequently used in both everyday and professional contexts, such as in kitchens, laboratories, or by health professionals. "Balanza" can also imply a sense of balance or equilibrium in a more abstract context.

In terms of frequency of use, "balanza" is commonly found in both oral and written contexts. In everyday conversation, it is often used when discussing cooking, weight management, or general measurements, while in written contexts, it can appear in medical, commercial, and legal documentation.

Example Sentences

  1. La balanza en la cocina me ayuda a medir los ingredientes con precisión.
  2. The scale in the kitchen helps me measure the ingredients accurately.

  3. El médico me pidió que subiera a la balanza para controlar mi peso.

  4. The doctor asked me to step on the scale to monitor my weight.

  5. En el juicio, la balanza de la justicia debe ser imparcial.

  6. In the trial, the scales of justice must be impartial.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "balanza" can also be part of several idiomatic expressions, often representing the idea of fairness or equity.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Tener la balanza a favor.
  2. To have the scales tipped in one’s favor.
  3. El abogado tiene la balanza a favor en este caso crucial.
  4. (The lawyer has the scales tipped in his favor in this crucial case.)

  5. Ajustar la balanza.

  6. To balance the scales.
  7. Necesitamos ajustar la balanza para que todos tengan las mismas oportunidades.
  8. (We need to adjust the scales so that everyone has equal opportunities.)

  9. Caer de la balanza.

  10. To fall off the scales (figuratively, to lose balance).
  11. Su decisión de no participar cayó de la balanza del rendimiento grupal.
  12. (His decision not to participate fell off the scales of group performance.)

  13. Poner en la balanza.

  14. To weigh something (figuratively, to consider the pros and cons).
  15. Debo poner en la balanza todos los factores antes de tomar una decisión.
  16. (I must weigh all the factors before making a decision.)


The word "balanza" comes from the Latin term "blancia," which means a pair of scales or a balance. This term is derived from the word "blandus," meaning "smooth" or "soft," reflecting the idea of equilibrium and balance.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview of the word "balanza" provides insights into its meaning, usage, idiomatic expressions, and linguistic background within the Spanish language.
