balar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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balar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Balar is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Balar specifically refers to the sound that sheep make, known as "bleating." It is commonly used in agricultural contexts or when discussing animals, particularly sheep. The frequency of use is more prevalent in oral speech than in written contexts, given its specific application to animal sounds.

Example Sentences

  1. Los corderos comenzaron a balar cuando la madre llegó.
    The lambs began to bleat when the mother arrived.

  2. El sonido de los ovejas balar en el campo es muy reconfortante.
    The sound of the sheep bleating in the field is very comforting.

  3. A veces, los niños balar como si fueran ovejas en el juego.
    Sometimes, children bleat as if they were sheep in the game.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "balar" is not central to many idiomatic expressions, its root refers to the sound made by sheep, and thus it can be employed in various contexts to describe complaints or childlike behavior:

  1. Balar como un cordero
    To bleat like a lamb — This expression can be used to describe someone who complains softly or helplessly.
    Ejemplo: Cuando no le dan lo que quiere, siempre empieza a balar como un cordero.
    When he doesn't get what he wants, he always starts to bleat like a lamb.

  2. Balar sin parar
    To bleat non-stop — Referring to someone who incessantly complains.
    Ejemplo: No aguanto más su balar sin parar sobre su trabajo.
    I can't stand her non-stop bleating about her job anymore.

  3. Balar por ayuda
    To bleat for help — Asking for help in a needy or childish manner.
    Ejemplo: Ella no sabe cómo balar por ayuda, siempre espera que alguien la descubra.
    She doesn’t know how to bleat for help; she always expects someone to find out.


The word "balar" derives from the Latin "blatare," which also relates to the sounds made by sheep. Its usage has remained relatively stable, primarily associated with the noises typical of this animal.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "balar" is defined primarily by its association with the bleating of sheep and is more frequently found in spoken language, especially when addressing animal behavior. Its idiomatic uses, while limited, provide vivid imagery for complaining or plaintive behavior.
