balde - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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balde (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "balde" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Bucket
  2. Pail

Meaning and Usage in Spanish

The word "balde" primarily refers to a container, typically with a handle, used for carrying liquids or other materials. In general, it is commonly used in both written and oral contexts, although its frequency can vary depending on the cultural and regional usage within Spanish-speaking countries.

Frequency of Use

"Balde" is a common term and can be found in various contexts such as household chores, construction, or any activity involving the carrying or storing of materials. It is equally used in conversations and written communication like manuals or instructions.

Example Sentences

  1. El balde está lleno de agua.
    (The bucket is full of water.)

  2. Necesito un balde para limpiar el piso.
    (I need a pail to clean the floor.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "balde" is also found in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few notable examples:

  1. Echar agua en el balde
    Meaning: To waste efforts or resources.
    Example: Si sigues gastando dinero así, solo estás echando agua en el balde.
    (If you keep spending money like that, you are just wasting your efforts.)

  2. Balde de agua fría
    Meaning: A sudden disappointment or setback.
    Example: La noticia fue un balde de agua fría para todo el equipo.
    (The news was a cold bucket of water for the whole team.)

  3. No vale un balde
    Meaning: Worthless or of no value.
    Example: Ese coche viejo no vale un balde.
    (That old car isn't worth a bucket.)

  4. Baldear el camino
    Meaning: To waste time or resources.
    Example: No vale la pena baldear el camino si no tienes un buen plan.
    (There’s no point in wasting time if you don’t have a good plan.)


The origin of the word "balde" can be traced back to the Latin term "baldus," which referred to a bucket or container. The transition from Latin to modern Spanish saw the evolution of the term into its current form, aligning closely with its original meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms


  1. Cubo (cube)
  2. Paila (pail)


  1. Saco (sack) - typically used for carrying solid materials, in contrast to a bucket, which is mainly for liquids.
  2. Caja (box) - a rigid container, often used for storage, differing from the flexible nature of a bucket.
