balear - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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balear (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Balear" is primarily used as a verb in its infinitive form in Spanish. It can also function as an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

"Balear" can be translated as: - To shoot - To fire (a gun) - To hit (in a specific context)

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "balear" means to shoot or to fire a weapon. It is often used in military or law enforcement contexts, particularly in relation to gunfire or armed confrontations. The word is relatively common in contemporary discourse, particularly in discussions surrounding crime, security, and military operations. Its use is more frequent in oral speech, especially in news reporting and discussions regarding violence and public safety.

Example Sentences

  1. La policía tuvo que balear al sospechoso en defensa propia.
    "The police had to shoot the suspect in self-defense."

  2. Durante el enfrentamiento, los soldados no dudaron en balear a los atacantes.
    "During the confrontation, the soldiers did not hesitate to shoot the attackers."

  3. Los testigos escucharon cómo comenzaron a balear el vehículo.
    "The witnesses heard how they started shooting at the vehicle."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Balear" is not typically found in many idiomatic expressions, as it relates more directly to direct actions involving gunfire. However, it can appear in phrases related to violence or crime. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Balear a alguien"
    "To shoot someone."
    Ejemplo: El crimen ocurrió cuando decidieron balear a un rival en plena calle.
    "The crime occurred when they decided to shoot a rival in the middle of the street."

  2. "Balear al aire"
    "To shoot in the air."
    Ejemplo: Algunas celebraciones incluyen el balear al aire como forma de festejo.
    "Some celebrations include shooting in the air as a form of celebration."

  3. "Balear sin compasión"
    "To shoot without compassion."
    Ejemplo: En la guerra, muchos soldados tuvieron que balear sin compasión.
    "In war, many soldiers had to shoot without compassion."


The term "balear" likely originates from the Latin word "ballare," which means "to throw or to strike." It evolved in usage to refer specifically to the act of firing a weapon.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Disparar (to shoot) - Tirotear (to fire) - Afilar (to sharpen, in the context of aiming or preparing)

Antonyms: - Proteger (to protect) - Salvar (to save)

This comprehensive overview on "balear" illustrates its meaning, usage in context, idiomatic expressions, and provides you with a solid understanding of this term.
