baliza - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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baliza (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "baliza" is a feminine noun (la baliza).

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Beacon
  2. Buoy
  3. Marker

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "baliza" refers to any signaling device which serves to guide or warn maritime or aerial navigation. It is frequently used in nautical contexts (such as indicating depths, safe paths, or danger areas) and is critical in ensuring safe travel over water. The word is less commonly used in military contexts but can refer to markers that indicate positions.

Frequency of Use

The use of "baliza" is more common in written contexts related to maritime navigation and safety documents, but it is also commonly used in oral communication among seafarers, navigators, and those in the shipping industry.

Example Sentences

  1. La baliza roja indica que hay un arrecife peligroso a la vista.
    The red beacon indicates that there is a dangerous reef in sight.

  2. El capitán se guió por la baliza para entrar en el puerto.
    The captain used the buoy to guide his entry into the harbor.

  3. Es importante mantener la baliza en perfecto estado para evitar accidentes.
    It is important to keep the marker in perfect condition to avoid accidents.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "baliza" does not have widely recognized idiomatic expressions in Spanish, it can be included in nautical idioms and phrases that refer to direction or navigation.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Navegar a la baliza es como seguir tu norte en la vida.
    Navigating to the beacon is like following your true north in life.

  2. Sin una baliza, sería difícil hallar el camino en la oscuridad.
    Without a beacon, it would be difficult to find the way in the dark.

  3. En momentos de confusión, necesitas una baliza para guiarte.
    In moments of confusion, you need a marker to guide you.


The term "baliza" originates from the Arabic word "baḳḍah," which refers to a signal or a mark placed to direct seafarers and later adapted in various languages, influencing its meaning in Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview provides insights into the word "baliza" and its applications across various contexts.
